#101, 4341 Savaryn Drive SW Edmonton, Alberta, T6X 2E8 780.413.4521 info@familyfutures.ca


Family Futures Resource Network is fortunate to have a wide range of partners in the community. With these partnerships, families can benefit from more seamless and meaningful programs and services, no matter the level of support needed. These are just some of the community connections we offer.

For more information on any of these resources please contact us at 780-413-4521 or info@familyfutures.ca

Food Bank Depot

Family Futures Resource Network’s Knottwood location, 1733 Mill Woods Road NW, is a Food Bank Depot. To access this resource please contact the Edmonton Food Bank at 780-425-4190. This service is available most Fridays from 1 pm to 4 pm. If it is not available on a Friday we will provide updates in advance here. To access this service proper identification for every member of the household is required as per Food Bank Best Practices.

Edmonton Food Bank Logo

Edmonton Public Schools

Family Futures Resource Network offers child and youth social skills programs in partnership with Edmonton Public Schools. These programs are held within elementary, junior high and high schools to increase social skills such as problem-solving, friendship building, anger management, communication, goal setting and girl empowerment. Through written scenarios, group work, videos and engaging activities, facilitators encourage active participation and take advantage of multiple learning styles. Most program curriculums are flexible and can be adapted to meet the needs of students.

Program topics cover a variety of the following: 

• Effective Communication

• Feelings

• Anger Management

• Problem Solving

• Self-Esteem Development

• Friendship Building

• Anger Awareness in the Body

• Expressing Underlying Feelings

• Handling Conflict

• Prevention and Intervention Strategies

• Healthy Peer Relationships

• Embracing Our Uniqueness

• The Value of Kindness

• Being a Leader

• Understanding Ourselves

• Recognition and Prevention of Emotional, Physical and Sexual violence

• Impact of Relationship Violence

• Support & Resources

For more information on accessing this program for your school, contact our Child & Youth Supervisor at 780-413-4521. 

Edmonton Coordinated Youth Response

FAmily Futures Resource Network and a group of agencies partnered to start The Coordinated Youth Response in Edmonton to better help youth aged 15 to 24 during the pandemic. The initiative is about improving the way services are provided to youth. By working together we can better help youth navigate support services. A coordinated response means youth will only have to share their personal information once and with their consent and it will be shared with the other relevant agencies participating in the Coordinated Youth Response. Call or Text 211 to get help – or walk into a youth agency.

Contact Family Futures Resource Network and we can coordinate with Connected Supports that provide: Youth Programming; Pregnancy Services, Addictions Services; Mental Health; Safe Spaces and more.

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